Name Default value Unit Range Description
ArmState_Enable 1 0,1,2 0:disable, 1:enable
ArmState_Panel 1 Which panel will be displayed. Multi-panels separated by comma like 1,3
ArmState_H_Position 350 0-350 Horizontal position
ArmState_V_Position 44 0-230 Vertical position. maximum is 230 of NTSC, and 250 of PAL
ArmState_Font_Size 0 0,1,2 0:small, 1:normal, 2:large
ArmState_H_Alignment 2 0,1,2 0:left, 1:middle, 2:right
BatteryVoltage_* voltage of battery
BatteryCurrent_* current of battery
BatteryRemaining_* Battery remaining
BatteryConsumed_* total current drawn since startup in amp-hours
FlightMode_* Flight mode
Attitude_MP_* Show the UAV attitude like MissionPlanner style HUD
Attitude_MP_Scale 1 The scale factor of display. You can set the value like 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 and etc
Attitude_3D_* 3D style attitude HUD
Attitude_3D_Scale 1 The scale factor of display. You can set the value like 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 and etc
Attitude_3D_radius 40 The radius of map-like indicator alone with UAV 3D model
Misc_Units_Mode 0 0:Metric 1:Imperial
Misc_Max_Panels 3 >=1 Max OSD display panels
Misc_Start_Row 0 0 ~ 20 Sometimes you will find the item doesn't show on the top of screen when the y is zero. Try to set a offset value.
Misc_Start_Col 0 -20 ~ 20 Sometimes you will find the item doesn't show on the left of screen when the x is zero. Try to set a offset value.
Misc_Video_Mode 1 >=1 Video Mode.0:NTSC 1:PAL. Should keep same with the camera.
Misc_USART_BandRate 7 1-8 1:4800、2:9600、3:19200、4:38400、5:43000、6:56000、7:57600、8:115200